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  • Lava Rock Chakra Bracelet

    • A Lava Rock chakra bracelet with 8mm beads, silver beads and pretty Hamsa Hand for protection.

      The chakra stones in this bracelet are: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Green King Stone, Tiger Eye, Amber and Red Agate.

      Lava Rock are intense stones found around the world and one of the oldest minerals on Earth. Lava Rock is famous for its grounding and calming qualities. This stone works well in stabilizing and anchoring the root chakra. When the root chakra is in sync with all other chakras you will begin to feel grounded, safe and secure. This is due to the stone's strong connection with the Earth. This stone emanates protection and success, allowing you to feel at home in the body. Both the young and the elderly can benefit from Lava Rock's healing properties for soothing anxiety or fears.