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  • Chakra Sacred Geometry Set

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    Set of 7 Chakra Sacred Geometry crystals

    A Chakra Sacred Geometry set created from the seven known Platonic Solids. Every physical manifestation in the known Universe is built from one of these basic building blocks. Meditating with each of the different shapes can be a powerful experience. The Platonic Solids can be used in grid work, together, or each as a center piece in it's own grid. This 7-piece set is ideal for those who practice or who are interested in crystal healing, Reiki or energy healing. They are designed to facilitate healing, enhance meditation and to expand consciousness on your spiritual journey.

    The crystals in this set are

    • Crystal Quartz
    • Amethyst
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Green Aventurine
    • Yellow Quartz
    • Orange Aventurine
    • Red Jasper

    The 7 Platonic Solid Geometric Shapes include:

    1. Cube or Hexahedron (6 square faces - representing Earth), Base/Root Chakra symbol
    2. Icosahedron (20 triangular faces - representing Water), Sacral Chakra symbol.
    3. Tetrahedron (4 triangular faces - representing Fire), Solar Plexus Chakra symbol.
    4. Octahedron (8 triangular faces - representing Air), Heart Chakra symbol.
    5. Dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces -representing the  Ether/Aether or Universe Element), Throat Chakra symbol.
    6. Merkaba Star (Tetrahedron - intersection of  2 - 3-sided  pyramids - representing Light), 3rd Eye Chakra symbol.
    7. Sphere (Solid circle - No corners, no edges, no beginning,  no end - representing Consciousness), Crown Chakra symbol.

    Size 1.5cm in diameter