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  • Merkaba Star Pendants

    8 items left

    Assorted Merkaba Star Pendants - perfect for abundance, astral travel, chakra healing and to help activate your personal Merkaba. 

    Mer-ka-ba Stars, are unique Sacred Geometry shapes, which harnesses the ability to align the mind, body, and heart together.

    Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle used to reach higher realms. Merkaba enables us to experience heightened awareness, restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being, and connects us with elevated levels of consciousness.

    • "Mer" means Light (Spinning rotating fields of light)
    • "Ka" means Spirit (an individuals spirit)
    • "Ba" means body (ones interpretation of reality)

    Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.  It is a tool for Ascension, self-healing and advanced Reiki techniques. 

    Note each Merkaba Star is crafted with natural gemstone, hence no two Merkaba Stars are exactly the same. The individual inclusions on each star is what makes each piece a unique masterpiece in and of itself.